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?    NZs rivers and streams unsafe to swim in
NZPA 03/07/2004. New Zealands rivers and streams are not as clean and green as many believe, with almost all lowland waterways unsafe to swim in, a new study shows.  A report by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research on 229 lowland waterways has found that almost 95% of New Zealands lowland streams and rivers have levels of faecal bacteria that exceed Health Ministry guidelines, an Auckland newspaper reported today.  More&  http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2961309a7693,00.html

?    Water war stalls $18m dairy plan
The Press 30/06/2004. A landmark decision to deny water to a new multimillion-dollar dairying venture signals the start of bitter battles for South Island water, business and  environment groups fear. After spending nearly $18 million  buying and developing mid-Canterbury farmland, the Lynton and Pine Grove dairy companies yesterday had their resource consent application to take up to 560 litres of water a second from an aquifer at Te Pirita, near Rakaia, turned down by Environment Canterbury (ECan). They need access to the  water to irrigate the land for dairying.  More& http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2956843a13,00.html

?    Govt announces $7.2m to clean up Lake Rotoiti
NZPA  29/06/2004. The Government will spend $7.2 million improving Lake Rotoitis water quality, Environment Minister Marian Hobbs announced today. The algae-ridden lake, near  Rotorua, was a key tourism asset but its water quality had  been deteriorating for many years and had become significantly worse in the past few years, Ms Hobbs said. More& http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2956518a11,00.html

?    Progress on water quality and allocation programme
Scoop.co.nz  01/07/2004. Progress towards a framework to manage New Zealands freshwater quality and allocation was highlighted today with the release of three independent reports. Environment Minister Marian Hobbs said freshwater quality and water allocation is a major national concern that the government is addressing through a fundamental review of water management. More&

?    Meola wetlands plan shelved
Auckland City Harbour News  02/07/2004. A plan to use traditional Maori methods to clear pollution in an Auckland creek appear all washed up. Auckland Maori are upset that a proposed traditional wetlands scheme to cope with sewage outflows at Pt Chevaliers Meola Creek has been shelved. The creek that runs past Premier Ave, by Pasadena Intermediate, is prone to flooding, with raw sewage periodically overflowing after heavy rain.  More&  http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2959142a8153,00.html


?    The diesel will be cleaner, but those older engines will still blow smoke
The New Zealand Herald 30/06/2004. The composition of diesel fuel is changing in the next few months - and people  with a diesel vehicle made before 1995 are likely to be affected. The Ministry of Consumer Affairs has announced that from August 1 all diesel suppliers must supply their fuel  with average sulphur levels of no more than 500 parts per million. Diesel engines on the new fuel will produce fewer health-damaging emissions, but older vehicles, especially pre- 1995 Korean or Japanese light-duty diesel models, may suffer poor efficiency and a smoky exhaust.
More&  http://www.nzherald.co.nz/storydisplay.cfm?storyID=3575456&thesection=news&thesubsection=general


?    Contact Energy to gain $69 million from hedge contract closure   
Bloomberg 29/06/2004. Contact Energy Ltd, New Zealands largest publicly traded energy company, said it will receive NZ$69 million from an agreement to close two long- term power contracts it has with Mighty River Power Ltd.  
More& http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000081&sid=aLaG9ORuZeFY&refer=australia

?    Vector set to raise around US$250m debt - sources
Dow Jones 01/07/2004. New Zealands largest power lines company, Vector Ltd, is on the verge of a foray into the U.S. private placement market to raise around US$250 million at todays Kiwi dollar rate of US$0.636. Next week, the  companys senior finance executives will conduct a roadshow in the U.S. for institutional investors, bankers familiar with Vectors intentions said Thursday. More&

?    Big companies welcome $1b Pohokura development
The Dominion Post 01/07/2004. The $1 billion development of the vital Pohokura gas field has the green light from the three big exploration companies that own it. Shell New Zealand, which owns 48%, Todd Energy (26%)             and Austrian firm OMV (26%) signed a final investment decision yesterday to develop the field, about         30km offshore from New Plymouth. More&  

?    Hodgson backs raising networks power plant ownership
Dow Jones 01/07/2004. Energy Minister Pete Hodgson said he supports changes to the Electricity & Gas Industries Bill that would allow electricity networks companies to own more power plants. The bill has been sent back to parliament with several changes following public and industry submissions to the Commerce Select Committee, Hodgson said in a statement. If passed, the bill would allow electricity network companies to own power plants with generation capacities of  up to 50 megawatts or 20% of demand on their network,         whichever is higher. More&  


?    Meridian eyes Wairarapa site for wind farm
NZPA  30/06/2004. New Zealands largest wind power generator, Meridian Energy, is investigating a site near             Featherston for its potential as a wind farm. South Wairarapa District Council have approved a resource consent application by the company to erect two wind monitoring masts near Pigeon Bush just out of Featherston. More&  http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2957647a7693,00.html


?    Rust hits Waikato blueberries
The Waikato Times 29/06/2004. Waikatos blueberry harvest - the largest in the country - will be reduced next season as  growers come to terms with a new fungus discovered in January. The blueberry rust fungus which attacks plants leaves first appeared this summer. Experts believe the rust, which thrives in wet and warm conditions, may have blown across from Australia. More&  

?    Innovative tube filters dairy waste out of effluent
NZPA 01/07/2004. A new option for treating dairy waste  could be the answer to reducing continuing environmental problems with pollution from effluent.  A Whangarei  company, Effco Nutrient Management System, has imported from the United States a geotube which collects waste at one end either by pump or gravity feed, and drains excess water through its porous lining so that only the solids remain. More& http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2957717a3600,00.html


?    No saving forests - research
NZPA 30/06/2004. Research into New Zealand native forests has contributed to an international study that shows even the biggest and best native forests will eventually decline and collapse. High bio-mass forests that we have assumed to be stable are not - they are transient and will not stay forever, Landcare Research ecologist David Wardle said.  The decline of forests might take thousands of years, but international research showed a consistent pattern around the world, with the common factor being declining levels of phosphorous in the soil, he said. More& http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2956675a7693,00.html

?    Aerial possum control for Tararua Ranges
NZPA 30/06/2004. An aerial control operation to slow an increase in possum numbers is planned in part of Tararua Forest Park next month. The Conservation Department controls possum numbers in more than 60,000 hectares of the park. Every year one operational area of about 9000 hectares is treated by aerial application of cereal baits.  More&  http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2957665a7693,00.html


?    Joint refuse idea supported
Scoop.co.nz 01/07/2004. Waitakere City, North Shore City and Rodney District are looking at a joint tender for refuse & recycling collection services, aimed at reducing costs for ratepayers. Last night, Waitakere agreed to with a proposal which would see the three local authorities combine to all for tenders. North shore and Rodney are yet to discuss the issue, but Waitakere believes the initiative could save each Council         thousands of dollars. More& http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/AK0407/S00028.htm


?    Dutch see Russia ratifying Kyoto by December
Reuters 01/07/2004. The Netherlands, which assumes the EU presidency on Thursday, believes Russia will sign the Kyoto protocol on climate change because it wants to be part of the European community.
Dutch Environment Minister Pieter van Geel told Reuters in an interview late Wednesday that he would work hard at getting Russian President Vladimir Putin to commit to the 1997 UN pact aimed at curbing global warming. Its very difficult to look into the Russian soul... but Im confident  because I think that Russia wants to be a member, not of the EU, thats another distinction, but wants to be part of the European community, Van Geel said.  
More&  http://www.srimedia.com/artman/publish/article_850.shtml


?    Steps towards sustainable tourism recognised
Scoop.co.nz 30/06/2004. Making a commitment to sustainable tourism has seen six Northland tourism    businesses receive an official pat on the back from the Ministry for the Environment. Fullers Bay of Islands, the Waitangi Treaty Grounds, Dive Tutukaka, Wairere Boulders Naturepark, Dolphin Discoveries and Matakohe Top Ten  Holiday Park received a certificate of recognition today at a special event in Whangarei. More& http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/BU0406/S00389.htm


?    Zero GM tolerance no good - Maf
Waikato Times 03/07/2004. Agriculture and Forestry Ministry  staff have questioned the practicality of New Zealands zero  tolerance policy to genetically modified seed imports after an accidental release of minutely contaminated maize seed. But Greens co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons said the standards should be retained and were practical if border controls were good enough. More&

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